The Matter with Materials: Beneath the Sustainability Buzzword
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Watch moreThe most sustainable building is the one that lasts. In today’s state of accelerated social and technological change, can we design buildings that will last hundreds of years?
We know materials are made of matter—with all the significant implications of lifecycle performance and embodied energy. Materials also matter, linking the physical environment and our embodied experience of the world. Reconciling this dual nature is key to creating sustainable communities.
In their architectural practice, panellists Bettina, Alexander, and Paul have each taken a firm material position against the harmful mediocrity of Australia’s throwaway, knock-down rebuild construction culture.
Join us as they unravel the complexity of designing for endurance and try to arrive at a common-sense definition of sustainability that both protects the planet and saves our souls.
This event has been developed as part of the M_Curators, an MPavilion program engaging young makers, doers and programmers.