ZILKA Studio

Photo by ZILKA Studio.

Dr Leanne Zilka is a practicing architect with ZILKA Studios and an academic at RMIT University. Leanne’s research and practice focuses on lightweight fabric-based structures that look at techniques embedded in fashion and textile design to develop novel approaches to fabricating architectural elements. Through a combination of practice and research, Leanne has produced installations, architectural projects, and has been published nationally and internationally, most recently in a book titled Floppy Logic by international publisher, Actar. Leanne’s specialist knowledge and approaches to fabric-based structures have assisted in the realisation of the 2022 MPavilion by all(zone).

Wominjeka (Welcome). We acknowledge the people of the Eastern Kulin Nations as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We pay our respects to the land, their ancestors and their elders—past, present and to the future.