
Image by Ansam Farag.

A short film about lockdown bonding.

“We would just go for a drive, say nothing to each other, and just go for a drive and escape. You know, especially when the lockdowns were in, we just, Yeah, we’d just go for a drive. Listen to music and our minds just, you know, come back home and say, wow, that was nice. That was really, really nice…” Joseph

Contributor: Joseph
Interviewer: Ivy
Starring: Ansam Farag & Charlotte Frimpong
Directed: Ansam Farag
Cinematography: Sam Morton
Original Music: (@nastymars)
Produced: Ivy Mutuku
Curation: Kholisile Dhliwayo

Wominjeka (Welcome). We acknowledge the people of the Eastern Kulin Nations as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We pay our respects to the land, their ancestors and their elders—past, present and to the future.