Millie Cattlin

Photo by Raphael Kilpatrick.

Millie is Co-Director of These Are The Projects We Do Together. Working with large site-based projects including Testing Grounds, Siteworks and The Quarry, the work of the practice is unique in its approaches to public space, creative infrastructures, and site-based programming.
These Are The Projects We Do Together has earned a reputation working predominantly with ‘problematic’ sites. Through architecture, design, embedded education, maintenance, caretaking, operations, creative program and open access, the collaborative team seeks to reposition these ‘problematic’ sites as crucial, creative and socially inclusive spaces and communities. Currently Millie is doing a practice-based PhD in the School of Architecture and Urban Design and RMIT titled ‘This Place is Alive — Provisional Creative Infrastructures’. This research is exploring ways in which her practice designs infrastructures that support and enable creative practice.

Wominjeka (Welcome). We acknowledge the people of the Eastern Kulin Nations as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We pay our respects to the land, their ancestors and their elders—past, present and to the future.