Image by Daniel Niva.

A short film about being African-Australian

“It’s this beautiful space, of loving where I come from. I’m part of the social fabric, of the experience, of the culture. I love everything about Australia. And yet I still don’t quite belong. If that makes sense, it’s that constant recalibration of, Yeah, this is home. But also it’s not…” Charity

Contributor: Charity
Interviewer: Rungano
Starring: Jara Oburu, Yannick Tshibala, Jazmin Belachew-Hill, Abdiweli Warsame, Amen Kassa, Barisa Degal, Rastafari Hailu, Munir Seeid, Ali Ali, Wassim Abawajy
Directed, Produced and filmed by: Daniel Niva
Produced: Ivy Mutuku
Curation: Kholisile Dhliwayo

Wominjeka (Welcome). We acknowledge the people of the Eastern Kulin Nations as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We pay our respects to the land, their ancestors and their elders—past, present and to the future.