1000 steps

Image by Kalu Oji.

A short film about nature.

“In the university we had a photographic club, that was in the days where you had to take on celluloid film and then go and develop black and white, before the colour came. Whenever I would go to the Dandenong Ranges I’d always carry my camera and take pictures. So you know the 1000 steps? We don’t do the 1000 steps, that’s too easy for us…” Dozie

Contributor: Dozie
Interviewer: Kalu
Directed: Kalu Oji
Cinematography: Abdul Yusuf
Produced: Ivy Mutuku
Curation: Kholisile Dhliwayo

Wominjeka (Welcome). We acknowledge the people of the Eastern Kulin Nations as the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet. We pay our respects to the land, their ancestors and their elders—past, present and to the future.